i must dedicate a posting to my all-time fave little one- my bf's older niece. She's not much older than the younger one though - she's only turning 2 next feb.
her name's tracy - symbolic of a warrior :) well she's quite like one.
or rather, my bf says she takes after me! her love and joy comes from playing and eating and more playing and more eating. that's it. that's her day. oh ya, lots of attention and company too.
she's so naughty yet so adorable, my love for her pours out at the mere thought of her :D

this is a picture of her when she's almost 1 yr old. she was sulking cos we disallowed her from grabbing and eating the nasi briyani in front of her. (well, how can she take solid rice at this tender age?). and she has this nasty boil on her head as a result of rolling off the bed, though till now i still can't figure out how she could have such a big boil from a 2 feet high bed. poor gal. sympathic yet amusing at the same time.. heh.

this picture was taken when she's slightly older than 1. she happily lined my bf's ex company's namecards on his tummy and toss it all around the bed.

haha...a close up picture of her naughty face.

see the river of cards? heh.
oh and the precious moment's little toy lamb that was sprawled shyly on the pillow (my 1st present for my bf) is now happily one of her many possessions :)
some warm memories of her:
1) when she's about 1, she look at me shyly and then at my hangbag, then look at me shyly again, then at my handbag. i was wondering what she was trying to mean, but she has already opened her gaping mouth towards the handle of my handbag...heh. so cute!
2) it was mother's day and we got sunflowers for bf's mum, sis, and her. she saw that i didn't have one and promptly passed hers to me. then i said no, it's for her. then she pulled my hand to feel the carpeted core of the flower, cos she liked the feeling and wanted to share it with me. heh. so cute again!
3) one day she was all dressed to go out to play, but while waiting for everyone, she found my water bottle in my bag when she was rummaging through it. and she wanted to drink the contents, so she passed the bottle to her granny to 'ask' her to open it for her. she tilt her head backwards and with one hand, she held the tip of my long evian water bottle and pour the water into her gaping mouth. of cos, as you might expect, she was wet all over, and was stumbling from side to side like she's in a drunken stupor. heh. so cute! of cos she had to change into fresh clothing again.
4) just last month, we were about to go sentosa, and i was trying to entertain her while waiting for everyone to get ready. so i played the elmo song on my hp for her. she excitedly took hold of my hp and started shaking her butt. she was so intrigued she didn't want to return me. i stretch out my hand and to my surprise, she beat me :) when she saw my shocked look, she looked sorrily and patted me, then when i ask for the hp again, immediately her sorry look left her, and she beat me on my hand again! then she looked a bit apologetically and tried to pat me again. heh. so amusing...
5) food. there's nothing that can delight her more than food. you should see the gleam in her eyes when she sees a bunch of grapes, or M&Ms. and when she's younger, nice toasted buns and breads. she'll swing her arms wide with joy! heh. and that day it's her 1st time eating a Din Tai Fung meat bun. she took her 1st suck at the juice in the meat, and she gasped wide-eyed! and she sucked again, and she gasped louder, wide-eyed! heh, so amusing!
There you go, the little one that never fails to amuse me :) my fave little one!